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High in Vitamin C, beautiful red fall foliage, and blah blah blah


The beauty of blueberry shrubs are that they are high in Vitamin C and pair well with gorgeous mature hydrangea. 

ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS: ow;afj awoeiweaoifwaoefijweaofij waefoij avweoifn weoinweoifnweofijwefoijwef;oijaewfo;iwaejfowe;nfaioefjwa;oefijwaeo;fijaw;oefjwaeo;weo;fijwaeofi;jwea;ofijweaofiwjfowiefjwoeifjweofjwae;f

LANDSCAPE PLACEMENT: easy to pair with hydrangea beds, etc and etc and etc alksfj sldkfjaweo ;ijweoifjnewaoisfweoaicaeosifjsaefl;kj aweofijsoifjwaeoijfwaeo;fijewoijfawoiefjaweo;if a

March 15, 2013

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April 22, 2013

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